הצהרת נגישות

© כל הזכויות שמורות 2018


Protein Simple




Unprecedented Reproducibility

Immunoassays come with lots of challenges. Even after multiple steps, hours in the lab and hours analyzing data, results are only acceptable at best. This is especially true for drug development researchers who are constantly challenged by the reproducibility and variability of an immunoassay. Additional difficulty occurs when transferring an assay from one department to another or from one department to a contract research organization. Not anymore. Meet Ella.

Ella’s your immunoassay problem solver. Her Simple Plex assays are hands-free, single or multi-analyte with no cross-reactivity, and reproducible even across multiple labs. All those issues you deal with every day? Gone.

Ella does immunoassays in a microfluidic Simple Plex cartridge. It’s like using a pre-kitted immunoassay, except everything’s pre-loaded on the cartridge—even the calibration curve! All you need to do is add your sample and buffers and put the cartridge in Ella.

The immunoassay part works like this: sample runs through a microfluidic channel that binds your protein of interest. Next, Ella washes off unbound analyte and adds a detection reagent. Because each channel has three Glass Nano Reactors (GNRs) coated with a capture antibody, you get triplicate answers for each sample. Answers are then generated from the factory-calibrated standard curve that comes with every cartridge. Sound familiar? It’s the same immunoassay you’re used to, just without the errors that come with traditional assays.


For more information about Ella